Private Client
Completed 2022

Erosion Control Plan
RogueTech was contracted by a client in the process of purchasing a property to develop two home sites in rural Josephine County. The Client was on a very short timeline to meet County erosion control requirements in order to close on the property.
The existing building site was on a steep hillside that had been previously disturbed with two small tiers with overcut, unstable slopes on bare earth. Neither tier was large enough to construct the desired homes. Therefore, the Client proposed to re-grade the site down to one large tier for the primary home and to improve a lower portion of the property for the secondary home. Due to the steep slopes and the amount of proposed cut and fill, an engineer-certified erosion control plan was required.
RogueTech provided topographic survey and a downstream analysis of the onsite and offsite drainage ways to the receiving waterbody. We prepared the erosion control plan by selecting the most economical, constructable, and effective BMPs to prevent erosion and manage sediment during construction. In addition, RogueTech performed the hydrologic computations, hydraulic design, and refined the proposed grading plan to prepare the permanent stormwater management plan. Stormwater management features included a cutoff dike, pipe slope drains, stabilized drainage ditches, multiple culverts, and grading and landscaping. These features were designed to reduce the run-on of offsite flows, reduce flows generated onsite, and to safely convey runoff to protect adjacent properties and minimize downstream erosion of the receiving waterbodies.